Hi everyone,
Rough time since the last week. I share your pain as a fairly large shareholder of Poet. At one point my holding was worthing nearly 7 millions $ and now I am below 1M. So be it, it will come back. When? I don't know but it will.
This week-end I've had some exchange with Suresh. I asked him a few questions and I told him that he should do an update about where we are exactly in term of our commercialisation, our tech, our finance etc. Actually, they are in a financing so what they can say is very limited. But he already knows ALL OF THE QUESTIONS THAT YOU HAVE IN MIND. Right after the closing, from what I could have understand, we will have an update. This should remove a lot of question mark in our head.
So hang on, we're not dead. Poet still has a great future.