I can't help but look at the other end of this deal, mainly from MAXIM's perspective. They clearly have more info then we do. If POET is going bankrupt, why would you even invest 1.4 million? They know POET is running out of cash, and this financing gives them to the end of January now instead of December, which is hardly anything. So you would think that would just be throwing away that money? So why do it? That is the only question that gives me hope that maybe POET has found another way to keep this going. Because if they haven't, why would MAXIM throw away their money? Plus Suresh is giving an industry talk today?!?! WTF!?!? If your company is on the brink, would you do that? Either they have something more, or he is completely incompetent, and I have no idea which is more likely right now. Nothing is ever simple with this company, and it is always confusing, and that is a terrible problem.