Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Patent application

This patent application might come from the collaboration with Vanguard Automation.

Reflector Structure having three-dimensional curvature

Date of patent application : June 30th, 2023 (published January 4th, 2024)

Patent application number : US-20240004147-A1

Inventors : Lucas Soldano, San Jose CA (US);  Jing Yang, Singapore (SG);  Meng Lee, San Jose CA (US); Suresh Venkatesan, Los Gatos, CA (US);

Abstract : A structure and method for the formation of a reflector structure having three-dimensional surface curvature is disclosed.  Beem narrowing upon reflection from the three-dimensionally curved surface in embodiments can provide improved coupling efficiency in addition to the directional change provided by the reflector.


From the NR with Vanguard Automation :

" announced a collaboration to enable the integration of Micro-Lenses on the Poet Optical Interposer to maximize coupling efficiency while maintaining Poet's wafer-level passive assembly process."

*bold is mine

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