Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: 42 days

Re-read the infamous POETeer post, especially this:

“Intrinsic calculations of company coffers indicate timelines to reveal the new $ sources are in the next 2-6 weeks...”


Where does this say anything of substance? It’s a blindfolded shot at a dartboard but it has been treated as gospel, more so because Mazann agreed with its sentiments. The willingness to accept hearsay and gossip are as prevalent as the inability to discern irony and sarcasm (see recent Stitched post as it flies overhead of detractors). 


I would say the company is past due to provide explanations and updates, January 3rd is the last NR about customer engagement and  products. And I would say we will see something in the next 2 weeks, not because I know anything, but simply because one would hope  that they want to create a bit of interest going into OFC. 


Will it be surprisingly good? Now that would be a first. 

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