Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

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Goldman Sachs recently highlighted what it thinks will be the next major phase of 'the AI trade', the 1st phase being the Nvidia boom.  Phase 2 will be "infrastructure" or companies ingrained with the overall framework required with AI. This will include "semiconductor firms, cloud providers, data centre REITs, hardware and equipment companies, security software, and utilities."  GS said possible names that fall within this ecosystem include Broadcom, Amazon and Cisco.  (Phase 3 to be "Enabled Revenues", Phase 4 "Productivity Gains").  I like how Poet seems to fit well into Phase 2, reminding me of the pick and shovel analogy someone highlted some time ago.  A big and quantified direct Broadcom relationship would be fantastic.  

Poet's tech seems poised to capitalize, if only their financial management and communication wasn't such a bewildering drag.  I'd love to know the answer to your question Hogan Jr.  SV has often implied things before that were taken for granted and turned out clearly not to be the case.  Despite my considerable over-investment in the company I have no more 'benefits of the doubt' left.  Give us some specificity SV!  


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