Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: POET to Demo AI Hardware Products for 800G and Beyond at OFC 2024 GlobeNewswire - Mar 21, 2024 8:30 AM NDT

Switch > I also disagree with the notion that they could easily raise more money just by asking for more. 

When has anything been easy with this company? How about never. I never said anything about easy. But what they have produced is pretty amazing with very limited resources. So something has been  done right. Shareholder value, however it is measured, is a total disaster and they know it. 

My first POET buy was the day of the Pelegrino Report on March 2, 2011. I bought a starter position that day and added in the following days to the tune of $350,000. That was a lot of money for me in 2011. I was not happy with the existing management and became a big thorn in their sides for not sharing information as the value of my investment declined. 

So let's fast forward to today. Again I tried to get to the bottom of why we have lost so much of our investment. I provided some good and well placed insights as to how this came about but for whatever reason some people here have totally forgotten everything I was able to provide.

I am really tired of this place. How long can a person bang his head against a wall? People talk like it is all one man’s fault. I was part of that message to POET. They just needed to let people know what it was this platform was capable of and the market would see the enormous value. I am sure I am part of the reason why Tom quoted this as a $billion company. Just let people know how good the optical interposer is and surely this will be enough to move this stock big time. Well it wasn’t and we paid for it. As I said we know why this stock got stuck in the mud and it was not all one man’s fault. 

Look what they have done with precious few dollars. People talk about the Denselight disaster. Are you kidding me? Open your eyes. They did a ton of development, got the Singapore government to pay the majority of their costs and they still made money!!!! It is part of why this platform was developed at such low cost. And it continues today with SPX and the support of SHINE.


Do you hear me complain day after day about my financial losses?  It is the stock market and it is advanced technology that has been developed on a shoestring.This company is doing great things but everyone wants to talk about everything that has gone wrong. I am sick of it!

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