Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Big volume on Naz EOM

Yes, agreed. High volume days should be used to raise money through the ATM. 
At the same time, the momentum must be kept to get new and old investors a reason to "tap" new fresh money sources in order to ensure further high volume days.

So, the ATM should be used with high care ensuring a high trading volume and steady rising share price which ensure new investors being "convinced" that money can be made.

The negative cycle must be broken and still a positive cycle must be carefully supported in order to keep the buy side interested.

10% gain per week would do. A positive chart and SP appreciation would keep momentum and fresh money coming. Which is absolutely needed.

So, Tomas, if you read that. Please use the ATM but please use it carefully on high volume days and let the rise sustain without killing any possible rally. Slow and steady grinding upward would be appreciated by most investors I assume.

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