Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Institutional filing by MMCAP

Let's say it that way. Played differently my holdings wouldn't have been diluted by almost 50%.
So, no matter how you turn or twist it - that is on TM and nothing will ever change my opinion on that.

If financings would have been thought out properly and made at >10 CAD when we had been there for many months, diluting current shareholders would have been way limited compared to now.

Also, that they lowered their options, and got a pretty cheap PP will never change my opinion. It's how this "game" is played - but don't try to portray TM any better than he is - just because the SP might get back to levels where it was long time ago.

That loss in between and the dilution is on him. There is no "anti-TM" crowd. There are longterm shareholders that spoke out what it was and what they saw. As simple as that!

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