Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Hydra Capital

Here is the paragraph about POET from

"Well, you never get to all of the songs that you want to, and a playlist can only be so long, so I’ll leave it there. One bonus track that I’ll mention before I wrap this up is POET Technologies (PTK.V, last at $3.09 and POET.US, last at $2.23), which deals in photonics — using tiny lasers in circuitry to transmit data instead of pushing electrons through tiny wires. POET has a product called a transceiver, which is the port with the little flashing lights that you plug an ethernet cable into if you’re ever done that before. POET’s transceivers transmit 10x the data, using one-tenth of the power, and generating one-tenth of the heat relative to a transceiver that isn’t powered by photonics. With all that I’m reading about AI, data centre trends, and the associated power consumption, a little mousetrap like POET’s might be perfectly positioned. Next time you look at a photo of a rack of servers, look at all the cables connecting everything… all of those cables are plugging into transceivers. It’s a real long shot, but the company recently raised $20 million in the blink of an eye, and this was a company that just couldn’t get it lit before. Something seems to have changed this time and I’m long and interested. They say volume precedes price and volume has never been higher. Hmmmm."


And the info about the author:

"Malcolm holds a MSc in Geology from the University of Toronto and has 20 years of experience spanning the resource and investment industries. Malcolm started his career as a geoscientist at PanCanadian Petroleum (now Ovintiv) before transitioning into the investment industry as an international energy research analyst at Wellington West Capital Markets. Before joining Hydra, Malcolm was a Vice President at K2 & Associates Investment Management where he specialized in the energy and materials sectors."


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