Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Please think this through

Well if you think about it who amongst Poet insiders has the need for a short timeline to cash in his options-at a decent profit after taxes.
So in a sense my estimation despite awkward wording in the repricing rational, they do expect the share price to rise but likely uncertain at a pace that allows a significant profit less options are re priced.

Tom Mika Poet Sr VP and CFO is approx 73 years old and pure speculation on my part but he could be the one who benefits and takes advantage on the repricing so he can cash in before retirement likely this year or next. Last I communicated with him a year ago he seemed confident but mentioned no guarantees of Poet success as you would expect.

This move on repricing reduces risk and though no guarantees allows insiders like him to cash in sooner than later.  
Frankly I am ok with it. It's all about Poet  getting signed deals, share price will rise organically and we all win. 

I am looking forward to hearing more from the Mark Lustig association, it's likely linked to some positive changes at Poet


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