Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Option repricing for insiders etc-

Very valid points. And well put. I would love to be able to put it that way without it sounding begrundged or like a rant. You did that, thanks for that.

Thats most of the questions that I have too. And I, as a shareholder, would love to understand the situation better to be able to make proper investment decisions.

But I either fall short to understand properly or I am missing the information. It might be on me. But I don't think it is.

I have invested heavy dollars into that, and all I am asking to management is to be treated like a valued shareholder who put hard earned money forward, to keep the company running and make it a worthwhile time and paths for both the company and my investment.

I wish the management would do everything to regain trust of the shareholders but have the feeling that this isn't seen thing that they want to do rather than a pure obligation.

But, if they understand that we all would sit in a much better boat if we would raw together rather than against another - they may be able to understand our concerns and take them on board instead of "looking down on us" with a whip in their hands wondering why we don't raw with them.

Explain why we need to raw in a proper and honest and respectful way, showing gratitude and "shared" pain and I am sure that shareholders and management can become "ONE Team" again.

If we would be, we wouldn't be in that situation. Many strong believers into the company have "changed" and I don't think it's because they wanted to change their stance or view, I think they are due to their big red accounts and financial strain being invested for so long and still not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel - they only see a dangled carrot.

So, please management - get us back on board again, get us to raw WITH you. Show us the "light" (no pun intended). I am sure we can get there together, but only together.

We are not the evil, we are the base that you can build a strong and great company on. Make use of it - Please!

You can see l, that most of your shareholders are real investors and not traders that have come for the fun. Many are here for more than 10 years. Reap the rewards with and for us, together! 
Thank you. 

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