Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: AGM vote- Omnibus Plan Amendment- Item 3- Be aware

Hi Vanossa,

Feel sure that Lisa T's report is accurate with number of fully diluted shares. 

However in this number she has not only included all the options but also all the warrants that have been issued with all the recent and earlier financings.. in which management did not participate. I do not know the exact number of warrants issued but it would probably account for the difference between our two calculations .

Like you I wish the cost base for all my Poet shares purchased over the years ( since 2011) was only Cdn$1.75.

Let us hope that all the money being spent on these current Investor Relation/IR companies to whom Poet are paying gobs of money does begin to have an effect. So far all efforts have been absolutely invisible and useless. This is true as of now ,but also has been a complete waste of money for everyone the company has employed in the past to boost interest/investment in the company.

It would also be nice to get an explanation as to why Marc Lustig is being paid US$1.5 million (over Cdn$2.0 million) which is a big chunk of money from recently raised funds (which did not come easily) and now apparently is being dished out with easy abandon.

I truly hope I am proven wrong and M.Lustig delivers something of great significance to the company which makes all unhappy shareholders deliriously happy !

Surely this money could have been better used to accelerate our product development, increase staff etc or perhaps employ a full time high powered/qualified and well connected IR person in the industry to allow Suresh to concentrate totally on the technical side of things.












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