Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: 6K filing in US

POET Technologies Inc. (the "Company" or "POET") is pleased to invite you to join us at our Annual and Special Meeting (the "Meeting) of holders of common shares (the "Shares") of the Company (the "Shareholders*). The Meeting will be held via a virtual on-line platform ( at 1:00 p.m. (EDT) on June

21, 2024. Holding a virtual meeting enables all Sharcholders, regardless of geographic location and Share ownership, to have

an equal opportunity to participate at the Meeting. Shareholders will not be able to attend the Meeting in person. Instead, registered Shareholders and duly appointed proxyholders will be able to virtually attend, participate and vote at the Meeting online using the virtual LUMI platform. At the Meeting, you will have the opportunity to ask questions in real time and vote on Meeting matters. The accompanying management information circular (the "Circular") contains important information and detailed instructions about how to participate and vote on business to be transacted at the Meeting. The Company views the use of technology-enhanced shareholder communications as a method to making the Meeting more accessible and permitting a broader base of Sharcholders to participate in the Meeting. The Company is not aware of any items of business to be brought before the Meeting other than those described in the

Mecting materials The accompanying management information circular (the "Circular") contains important information about voting

on the business to be transacted at the Meeting. Registered Shareholders as of the record date of May 9, 2024 can exercise their right to vote on the business before the Meeting by either attending online or by completing and submitting a proxy. Instructions on how to vote by proxy are included in the accompanying Circular. To ensure that your vote is recorded, please return the enclosed form of proxy in the envelope provided, properly completed and duly signed, to the Company's transfer agent and registrar, Computershare Investor Services Inc., prior to 1:00 p.m. (EDT) on June 19, 2024 or, in the case of any adjournment or postponement of the Meeting, not less than 48 hours, excluding Saturdays,

Sundays and holidays in the Province of Ontario, prior to the time of the adjournment or postponement. Non-Registered Shareholders, including those who hold Shares in the name of a bank, trust company, securities dealer or broker, or other intermediary, will receive a voting instruction for that contains voting instructions. The voting instruction form includes detailed instructions on how to complete the form, where to return it and the deadline for returning it, which may be earlier than the deadline for Registered Shareholders. It is important that you read and follow the instructions on the voting instruction form in order to have your vote count. If you are unsure about anything in such voting instructions, contact your bank, trust company, securities dealer or broker, or other intermediary through

which you hold your Shares. If you have questions or need assistance with the completion and delivery of your proxy, you may contact the

Computershare Investor Services Inc. at 1-800-564-6253 (toll free North America) or 1-514-982-7555 (international).

I look forward to your attendance at the Meeting.


(signed) "Suresh Venkatesan"

Suresh Venkatesan, PhD

Chief Executive Officer


(Full extensive filing at link)

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