Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Poet wins AI award for Best Optical AI Solution

So POET is only one of 139 winners, if I’ve counted correctly. That’s certainly not bad, but it puts the whole thing into some perspective. Also, the “Vision” category doesn’t necessarily seem appropriate, at least when you look at the other winners in that category and what they’re doing.

The organizers had not set up a separate category for AI-specific hardware. I draw two positive conclusions from this:

  • The players in the AI domain, or at least the makers of the AI Breakthrough Awards, don’t really have the topic of hardware on their radar yet, which opens up po[e]tential upside – and perhaps explains some of the POET share price.
  • There are only a few players who are doing something in the field of AI hardware. This could indicate that this is a) either not necessary or b) that POET has certain unique selling points here. I presume the latter.
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