Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: “Best Optical AI Solution” interview transcript

Please find the transcript of Suresh’s interview on GitHub or right here:

Interview Transcript: Dr. Suresh Venkatesan on POET Technologies winning in the AI Breakthrough Awards and being named winner of the 2024 Best Optical AI Solution category


Adrian Brijbassi: POET Technologies has been named the winner of the 2024 Best Optical AI Solution presented by the AI Breakthrough Awards. Here to discuss the achievement is POET’s Chairman and CEO, Dr. Suresh Venkatesan. Suresh, good to see you again, and this is exciting news. Tell us, what does winning this award mean for the company?

Dr. Suresh Venkatesan: Hi Adrian, yes, this is terrific news. This award is a recognition of what we’ve been saying for years: the POET Optical Interposer is a very unique technology platform, admirably suited for the needs of optical communication today and into the future. It’s really coming into the limelight with the advent of AI. Our recent efforts to develop optical engines and now optical modules that can reach 800G, 1.6T, and 3.2T soon are becoming impossible for the industry and industry observers to ignore.

We’ve been able to bring strong, solid collaborators to work with us. We announced our partnerships with Luxshare last year, expanding that into new products with them. We announced a partnership and collaboration with Foxconn, and they’re going to be deploying our optical engines into their product lines. And we also announced a collaboration with MultiLane to co-develop modules for 800G and 1.6T.

All of these collaborations and partnerships are of course also third-party validations of our technology, and gotten the attention of the awards jury and many others. We expect more successes as our technology is adopted by these partners and commercially deployed by our customers.

Adrian Brijbassi: The award is a recognition specifically of the POET Optical Interposer, as you said. For you personally, as the developer of the technology, how does it feel to have this third-party validation of your work?

Dr. Suresh Venkatesan: Adrian, it’s a team effort to get here. No idea can be obviously taken into any kind of fruition or success individually; you need a team around you, the right people on the bus, as they say. POET has had the right people for a few years that have collaborated and worked together across sites to deliver successively improved levels of performance in our products. I share this award with everyone involved with POET, including our staff and, of course, our shareholders as well.

What’s important about the award, I think, is that it is specifically in recognition of our AI hardware innovations. AI has really taken the market by storm. It’s fundamentally a software solution, but that software has such large demands on hardware that optical communications has really been brought to the forefront. Everyone knows how important and valuable the AI industry is right now. To be considered as the head of the pack by an organization that analyzes trends in the AI industry is a very good indication that POET is in the right place at the right time with our Optical Interposer technology.

Adrian Brijbassi: For our viewers to learn more about the AI Breakthrough Awards, check out POET’s press release related to the announcement. It can be found on the POET website, along with lots of other information about the company’s products and innovative AI technology. Suresh, thanks for joining us, and congratulations again on this achievement.

Dr. Suresh Venkatesan: Thank you, Adrian.


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