Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: The POET Optical Interposer is largely athermal...Why this matters

Speaking of Photonics and Optical Interposers it looks like the crew and passengers of the SS Minnow may survive their 3 hour tour after all.  The Minnow, aka POET Technologies, was supposed to arrive in port after a short 3 hour tour, but as all members of the passenger contingent know we ran into some really terrible weather back a few years ago, quite a few years ago.  Our radar was kaput and so we ran into a deluge of dilution and change in course before the SS Minnow landed on an island off the coast of Fujian Province, China but finally the company saw the light and "the Skipper", Jonas Grumby (aka Suresh Venkatesan) together with "the Professor" (fairchijisback) and Gilligan (Babaoriley) managed to put together a rescue beacon powered by the Optical Interposer and the Waveguide directed the light (Photonics) to the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter and its crew (Fin Tek, Fox Conn, Lux Share, Lew Mentum, Celest I. Al A. Eye, Naz Dack and Non Dis Clozer).  

The good news is that the Coast Guard is on its way and soon the remains of the SS Minnow will be going "Up and to the Right" and the crew and passengers will truly find rescue as they land back at the home port:  INN Vestor Val Yu.  The delivery of the crew, Captain Grumby and the passengers back to INN Vestor Val Yu will be celebrated by all, those at least who didn't perish in the stormy waters before the SS Minnow nearly sank in very deep water.  It will be such a relief for all to get their head back above water again, eh?

Onward through the FOG, the Rain (Rainer?) and the waves (Waveguide?).

Gilligan's Island Opening Credits and Theme Song (



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