Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Prognostication of a Part Time Soothsayer, Semi Retired UFO Abductee

I have consulted the alignment of the planets and the stars, read the entrails of a pig (had to do that first before the big BBQ. The pig was delicious!), thrown the bones and examined the juxtaposition of these ossified objects in detail, deciphered the scattering of the tea leaves and video conferenced on Skype with Kevin O'Leary, Charlie Munger, Jamie Dimon and Philip Fisher and as a final part of completing the prognostication of POET's future I journeyed to the highest promontory in the State of Nebraska, Panaroma Point (near the junction of Colorado, Wyoming and Nebraska and 470 miles on the opposite end of Nebraska from Buffet's home) to spend 6 grueling hours in a super heated Sweat Lodge with Warren Buffet as we indulged in Magic Mushrooms to facilitate his "Vision" of the future for POET Technologies.

The result of all of this investigation was a simple Rear View Mirror astroprojection of the year 2028. 

From the confines of the future, 2028, looking back on July 2024 the vision was unobstructed by any Fog on the mirror.  It was abundantly clear and it revealed that July 2024 was the "Inflection Point" for the long languishing, long suffering, never complaining, POET Technology investors, brethern of the clan, so to speak.

Rest assured POET Investors, the 2028 Rear View Mirror predicts without the slightest hesitation and without any embellishment that July 2024 is that moment in history when POET actually did start the long climb of "Investor Value" and that highway to success covered the much anticipated move of "Upward and to the Right", finally!  A move that previously was falsely predicted by POET management many times as pacification of the unruly stock holders, but now years later has finally come home to roost, just like the Buzzards coming home to Hinkley.

Remember, you heard it here first: 

This is the moment of "The Inflection Point"





Full Disclosure:  I also predicted the success of the Edsel, New Coke, Sony Betamax and the Yugo.

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