Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Oh my baby!

For someone so opposed to cynisim you are just a ray of sunshine!

The substantive part of the NR is solely potential savings from moving to Singapore, which in the grand scheme is a negligible change $ wise.  Hopefully it will help move the company forward??  Any reference to 'anticipating' future revenues - well, its a public company I would certainly hope that is their goal.  Until there is concrete orders it is nothing but speculation and feels like a cheap attempt to pump the stock which IMO does the company no favors.

Anyone who invests in early stage companies will be familiar with the MCAPs and many other similar firms who do insitutional investing - 10, 20M is a drop in the bucket and one of many several investments they make; it is called speculating, and while they certainly have good reason with POET to hope for returns, it is by no means an indicator that they know anything special or that it will produce returns.

I love the optimism on this board, and even more so the many posters who share truly valuable information, news and insights about the firm; but there is more than enough reason to by cynical, skeptical, and of course exhausted/frustrated.  We all hope for the stock to soar, but management speculating about future orders and revenues is likely not going to be the cataylst.

Heres to hoping....

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