Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: New article posted earlier today

Outtahere has done it again.  He had 39 recommendations, as of 6:20 PM Pacific time here on the 23d of September, but only one comment, posted by turr.  

Are you kidding me?  Turr is the only one who took a moment to comment on this article?

OK, the article probably didn't tickle the toenails of any of the Techie Guru crowd here that includes so many Electrical Engineers and Physicists.  I can understand that.  You guys probably gave out a big yawn and said something like:  "Well, duh"  Dang2 Ran1 in Mandarin just means "Of Course!", so for those of you who speak Chinese I suspect Dang2 Ran1 was the first Mandarin thought in your Techie head.

Now for the rest of us, the Technically UNWASHED who don't know an electron from an election, the article that Dave posted was up to his usual standard for the last umpteen or so years, regardless of what the current pen name he has selected.  

"Outtahere" is something that I am certain has special meaning to Dave, but to me it has always symbolized "Outta the Park" in a baseball metaphor.  Dave always seems to hit the ball outta the park!

This article is no different, just typical Dave Stuff.

Now for the small minority of readers on this message board who don't know their Anode from their Cathode, you are the ones I want to reach with this post.  My intent is not only to praise the ongoing sagaciousness of Dave (Outtahere), but to point out to you that as a card carrying member of the TU (Technically UNWASHED) I might not know my Anode from my Cathode, but I do know that the article that Dave provided the link to is phenomonal in how it turns on the light switch for those of us who flunked Physics 101, never gave a second thought about taking a Physics class, use the volume control on our car radio to blast out the noise or our car's failing engine or decided to take Football Theory or Sociology 101 instead of Physics for personal reasons and in compatability with our limited acuity and ability in the realm of truly challenging academics.  We excelled in "How to get a BS degree without really trying" and some of us were lucky just to graduate from High School.

You, the underachievers in the world of Physics and Electrical Engineering, the ones who only know how to pound the keys on your computer and call "Geek Squad" for anything more technical than turning the puter on and off, you are the ones who will appreciate the masterpiece that Dave gave you when he posted that link.   Hey, dummy.  I am talking to you (and to me).  Read the article!!!

You don't understand the level of intellectual discussion routinely given to us freely by FJ and neither do I.  You and I just know that FJ is some kind of genius with a capital "G".  You are right and so am I, but I still only understand him about 1% of the time.  No offense, FJ.  You are "the Greatest", you and Cassius Clay/M.A.  But, having duly recognized the intellectual superiority of my betters I can still appreciate, actually appreciate that much more, the simplicity of the article Dave posted.


Because that article lifted "the FOG" for this Technically Challenged POET investor, member of the "Unwashed" and rightly or wrongly I am left with the feeling after reading that article that I actually understand what the author was saying about POET, for a change!

Damn, that's amazing!  I still don't know the difference between my Anode and my Cathode, but if you have the same problem, then "neighbor", come on down and read that article, like yesterday!


Thanks, Thanks, Thanks: Dave




Full Disclosure: OK, I took Physics 101 for dummies and managed to squeak through it, but that doesn't mean I learned anything about 'puters or Optical Physics or Waveguides, etc.  I have to approach POET in a Fundamental Analysis sense because I don't know a thing about the part that FJ dwells in and obviously is so grounded in.  It is "Greek to me".  Best to all POET investors, especially Dave, but also to the Unwashed and the Washed as well.  Thanks, Turr.

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