Patrick Moorhead is moderating the Disrupters in AI panel at GSA US executive Summit now
1. Jitendra M. : our chips are software driven, and be adaptive to the workload. Making Chips programmable allows customization by Software, enabling the system running most efficently. Having investors believe in your vision.
2. Rodrigo Liang on RoI: Training is the I, Inference is the R; new architecture is needed to reduce the power consumption to the 1/10. Also having right long term investors are critical, Sambanova raised $1.2B pre revenue
3. David Lazovsky : Capex is not an issue, energy is. It's not about GPU vs CPU, It's the entire system that includes networking, memory capacity, etc. Photonics is one of the approaches for solving the bandwith issues.Distributed nuclear power and power efficiency in data transimision which is the largest component in energy consumption