Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: $3’s


"Well I don't know if it's too obvious or if this is just another way of kicking the can down the road. We have a report payed by POET!! which estimates zero revenue in 2024 and 5 Mil. estimate for 2025. Sorry if this true again they lied to us or they brainwashed us again and again. The best is those estimates have never come true up to now."

" I am sick of waiting till the next carrot." 



Taking into consideration the considerable  frustration being experienced by Lovedrunkengotbannedforajoke, I repectfully offer this weak attempt at humor below in the hopes that tomorrow will be a better day for all POET investors and the day after that even better, ad infinitum!


Ah ha!  A case of "Carrot Fever", no doubt!  Is it contagious?  The cure for Carrot Fever must lie somewhere in the realm of a honest to goodness, genuine, full fledged, ROI. 

Well, duh!

Until we all receive a good solid dose of "the Cure" we have no immunity to Carrot Fever.

After intensive research in the "Pathological Basis of Disease" by Robbins and Cotran, I could not find any specific reference to "Carrot Fever", but there seem to be quite a few anecdotal reports of a malady amongst long time POET investors and the incidence of this so far unrecognized symptom complex has been designated by the CDC,  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for "further investigation". 

It varies in substance from "buyer's regret" on the one hand to episodic euphoria and hallucinations of visual "Investor Value" tied to some ephemeral and evanescent vision of "Up and To the Right".

More studies are indicated and the specific research is said to be of the "Double Blind" type of research whereby the Treatment group has heard of POET Technology but their stock trades are done, unbeknownst to them, only as a "Paper Trading" function with no real money at risk, therefore they are immune from any untoward financial events associated with POET's future Roller Coaster type response of its stock price and to future stock dilutions as opposed to the Control group of long time POET stock owners that are left susceptible to all of the viscissitudes imposed by reality and by POET management and POETs BoD.

The first group is Blind to the realities of the stock fluctuations while the second group, the Control, is blind to the immunity experienced by the paper traders and may have associated perceptions at times ironically of loss of "Control".

Results of this long term medical investigation will be published in the Canadian Journal of Medicine and Alchemy with an estimated publishing date after the end of the study sometime in the next 3 or 4 years, if not longer and upon rigorous peer review.



Marcus Froland defines Carrot on a Stick as:

Carrot on a Stick may sound like a simple, playful term at first. The idea brings up images of someone holding a stick with a carrot to motivate a horse or donkey, right? But what does it really mean when people use this phrase in everyday conversations or in business environments?

This phrase has woven its way into our language, carrying more depth than you might think. It’s about motivation, incentives, and how we push ourselves or others towards achieving goals. But there’s a twist—often the promised reward remains just out of reach. How does this tactic impact behavior and decision-making? Let’s find out.

The phrase “carrot on a stick” refers to a method of motivation where a reward is dangled in front of someone to keep them working towards an unattainable goal. The idea comes from the image of a person holding a stick with a carrot tied to it, just out of reach of a horse or donkey, encouraging the animal to move forward.

For example, if a company keeps promising a promotion to an employee without ever actually giving it, they are using the “carrot on a stick” approach. This method keeps the employee working hard in the hope of getting the promotion, but the reward keeps moving further away.

This technique can be effective but sometimes frustrating if the goal remains forever out of reach.


 Using "POETic license", allow me to rephrase Marcus Froland's wording just a little to:

For example, if a company keeps promising ROI to its investors without ever actually giving it, they are using the “carrot on a stick” approach. This method keeps the investor working hard in the hope of getting the Carrot (ROI), but the reward (ROI) keeps moving further away.  Ad infinitum.  Rinse and Repeat.


In other words:  Onward through the FOG!



PS: Just a little in jest while watching the Share Price decline.... again.  By way of explanation, I have to find humor on those dark days when POET stock dips out of the Black and into the Red.  You know about those "dark days", eh?

On the other hand, I am like the die hard 2nd Amendment advocate who will hold onto his or her gun in his or her hand until his or her dying breath and only then will anyone be able to pry that gun from his or her cold and lifless hand.

Metaphorically speaking, the "gun" is in the form of my POET Technology shares, never to be sold until the Nirvana of ROI is at hand.  (Just for clarification)

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