For my part I tried to stay away from pharmacautical companies because of the time it takes to double up and you prescription drugs and all the tests that they have to go through.
secondly up to a year ago I had a few oil stocks like MMT but I pulled out of it when the tension started raising in Nigeria. I also pulled out of be bi without gaining or losing anything which I think it's pretty good in the present context.
before investing in any other oil stock I would charge s you read d last Equidia letter.
If you agree it might help you understand what is going on with the oil price.
thirdly if I have any spare money I would probably take a chance and buy a few blackberry shares.
They just hit their 52 week high a couple weeks ago and they just have to send you new phones on the market.
Blackberry as the potential of being taking over by a major company like Lenovo for example who wants to infiltrate western market. blackberry was and probably still is the safest phone on the market .
It was the only one that the NSA was not able to tapped. and that is why I pick BB as my second choice for the December pick contest.