Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: Fort McMurray
May 05, 2016 11:22AM
May 05, 2016 11:39AM
May 05, 2016 11:44AM
May 11, 2016 11:22AM
May 11, 2016 11:46AM

Sorry to hear of your losses EFA69

I as well know Slave Lake and FT Mac very well as have worked in both places as a tradesman as well as my exploration company having Diamond properties North of Slave Lake , BUT as you have shown , Albertans and Canadians are STRONG. I wish to say thank you to all the people that have helped in this disaster, as well as those that have gave very generously to the Red Cross.

I will be in TO at the coming out party and will be selling GZD ball caps for 10.00 each with all the proceeds going to the Canadian Red cross Alberta Fire Fund. Both Govs are matching funds so ever dollar raised is like 3 dollars.

Also will be at the,

Grouse Nest Golf Course

just west of Edmonton for a fund raiser for Ft Mack on Saturday June 4th . If we all pitch in we can help each other.

I am very proud to be a Canadian

later griz

May 14, 2016 10:51PM
May 15, 2016 02:53PM

May 15, 2016 06:41PM
May 18, 2016 11:38AM
May 20, 2016 12:29AM
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