Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Day Traders


I didn't want to get trashed over on the main board, one must be "pleasant" not state the facts. If you do, be pleasant about it. Sparta stated that when we get an up tick "The Crazies" come out. Folks who propel BS toward the masses. The FJ states that "The Board" has done DD and that folks can now determine when to move one way or the other. Now FJ did not actually state those words, but the meaning is there. "This forum has I believe equipped people with a level of due diligence that they would otherwise not have access to".


I have to state here that at times there seems to be scolding that goes on over on the other side that's laughable. I have stated that I do not understand the Tech, however have been a team investor most of my life.


If anyone over there is making decisions based on what they read on the board shame on them. Every investor must "Must" due their own DD. Period. There are some great folks over there that understand the tech, however some of the investment beliefs are for another note.


I agree with Sparta, I have been around long enough to see this small cap swing like all small caps do. If you want to move in and out on the small cap market, fantastic! It's a strategy, however for some to think it can move the market, would have to hold a large portion of outstanding to do that and those folks don't hang out over there and don't go on about how many stocks they bought or hold.


The Team needs to provide solid sale numbers to move the needle, PERIOD. Nothing more than Sales will get this off the ground. Until then, the same houses will play catch with PTK until we can break the cycle. Then the houses will find a new small cap to move onto. Welcome to Venture Capital.

Here's to solid sales and all those crazy investors tied up in this small cap! TKB  I feel better now



Feb 15, 2019 12:07PM
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