Seen from outside US a lot of people - I included - ar not just worried about a US-president which - let us say mildly - is polarizing.
The real concern is that it seems the political system in the US is broken. I can see excellent people on both sides - but also completely sick personalities. The fact that there are /can only be two parties, that the US seems to be completely split into two - this is really a concern. So much hatred, so much disinformation, so much distortion of fact on both sides. And this in one of the greatest countries of the world with the brightest minds, with so many of my friends! It is hurting!
I do - in general - not like politicians. Worldwide. They are a pain in the a... but we also can not really do it without them. So I hope that, especially in these difficult times, they do the best - for us the people, the world, not for them and their party!