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Message: Re: Economies unnecessarily being destroyed


This is all very true. Also working in the medical field I am very aware of how the system has been manipulated. It is very well documented if a patient expired in a hospital from another cause and subsequently had covid, that covid was listed as the cause of death. The reimbursment rate is much higher.

The media has steered the casual observer to think a certain way. Nowadays you have to obtain at least a small amount of critical thinking skills or you will become one of the many sheeple that were led to believe their false narratives.

The original shutdown in the US was necessary. Until the effect of covid could be observed and determine the best way to treat it. We are much more informed now and understand the mortaily rate is very low.5,472,566 deaths world wide and 300,290,277 cases equals .018% Again the actual death rate in my opinion is much lower.

Having two kids in school during the lockdown for a year. Their grades and mental health suffered quite a bit. I am so thankful we live in a state like Florida that understands this. Now back in school they are both back to a high level of academia.

Nobody talks about the psychological and social effects of a prolonged lockdown. Increased substance abuse, alcholism and suicide. 

Not to mention Covid originated in China then failed to warn the rest of the world until well after the fact. The political fiasco that ensued is a whole other discussion.

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