MRIscan4u, my favorite (in a cynical sense) is the video of one of the protestors, who initially forced their way into the Capitol, running up to one of the doors (he is on the inside, trying to open doors to let outside people in) and finding it locked. These doors cannot be forced (magnetic) and so he runs back a little and looks up at one of the cameras, then he runs back to those doors and "Bob's your uncle, it opens!" Now all the people can come from outside. This man, with his face plainly seen, remains free, uncharged, sorry - FBI not interested in him. Then outside, there are police (or people dressed that way?) waving people in who had finally arrived after Trump's speech had ended. So my question is, who was watching the 'protestor', who did he know would be watching, and why did they then unlock that door. It was a total set up and false flag operation, no doubt about it, and some of the naive and ignorant were fooled into going in.
None of our agencies are what they used to be. I think of them as captured agencies. They are riding on the reputations built up by past generations while they use their power to do some really bad stuff.