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Message: Watch this at least once for the New Year I did

Since the completely irreducible complexity of the single cell (Darwin's Black Box), among other observations, tells me there is a Designer, aka God, my next question would be - is he a good God or not, and has he communicated.  I can already see, from my many decades of life, that man is not good at all.  Men range from goodish, but occasionally bad, to very evil indeed, but none are always loving all the time, even though loving and being loved is one of our greatest inborn desires.

I do believe God is good, since there is such a longing in me to experience and give goodness in spite of my own failings, and so the next question is....did he communicate?  I would suppose, given the likelihood of man messing things up, that it would come in a written form so as to be available for all and also able to be accurately transferred from person to person and generation to generation.

The Bible is the only religious book that reads to me as coming from God.  I have now studied it for many decades, and it has stunning unity and complexity, in spite of having been written by many human authors over centuries, and in many genres.  There is incredible beauty in its literature, and the theme in them runs true - A God against whom mankind has rebelled leading to men having a sin nature God cannot abide, is still wanting to bring whomever is willing back to him, not as slaves to stand and sing with harps on clouds, but as his sons in a world without a curse (he cursed the world because of our sin), living with and enjoying him forever.  To accomplish this, since he is a just God and will punish sin, he himself took on human form and took our punishment on himself by dying on a cross, so that whoever will receive him 'shall not perish but have everlasting life'.   

When you understand the real purpose of God, and that he is talking to men who are in rebellion and inclined to not listen, then you can understand in a clearer light the things that to Christopher Hitchens seem risible.  I listened all the way to that video, and the chap raises straw men to knock down as though ridicule is an argument, and then asks all the wrong questions to which he then provides answers.  He might as well be a silly teen trying to play grownup about an entirely different book for all the sense he made to me.

It never made sense to me that someone would follow anyone else's opinion on a book which they haven't carefully read themselves, but then people do tend to follow trends and herds and 'thoughtleaders'.  As for the other video, if you've read the Bible, you will see that Jesus did indeed talk more about hell than any other preacher, but still didn't talk about it much.  His emphasis was on what he had to offer, on what righteousness really looks like, why we need mercy and grace, etc.   You'd also know that while God gave his commandments (which lived by would be a much nicer society), it wasn't to give us a second chance to earn eternal life, it was to show us our need for a Savior.  It was while reading in the book of The Gospel of John I read the words of Christ, "He whom the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never turn away." and finally realized that his offer was complete mercy, complete grace, and nothing that I had to earn, and so I 'came' to him.   Good news, indeed.  

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