Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Reference material by Mark Stansberry

 The Semiconductor & IP Core Subject Matter Expert Database (1 book series) Kindle Edition (

The Semiconductor & IP Core Subject Matter Expert Database (1 books)
Kindle Edition
The Semiconductor Company Profile Series focuses on companies that are actively involved in the semiconductor industry. Coverage includes long-standing companies and semiconductor startups that are of significant market and technology importance. Covers companies in numerous semiconductor business and product technology sectors. This includes monolithic integrated circuit and discrete design, semiconductor process development, intellectual property (IP) cores, electronic design automation (EDA) software tools, assembly services, test services, wafer fabrication services, foundry services. The series also includes companies that design and manufacture main stream assembly, test and wafer equipment as well as those that offers materials used in chip manufacturing and research. Markets are covered and cross-referenced regionally and by product technology, patent technology, manufacturing capabilities and business metrics like agreements, public stock exchange listed on,

Product technologies covered include Artificial Intelligence, Authentication and Security, ASIC, Displays, FPGA, Graphic Processing Units, Interconnect, IoT, Lasers, LEDs, Memory, MEMS, Microcontrollers, Microprocessors, Multiprocessors, Network, Power and Power Management, Radio Frequency & Wireless, Telecommunications, Semiconductor Processes, Photonic Integrated Circuits, Silicon Photonics, Sensors and more.
Books in this series (1 book)
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The Poet Technologies Inc, Company Profiles Report, part of the Dawn of the Nanophotonics Age series, provides and extensive overview of Poet Technologies business, marketing and manufacturing operations. The report provides a complete breakdown of Poet Technologies' ecosystem and the critical interrelationships between its ecosystem and the ecosystems of its vendors, customers and partners. Detailed supply chain diagrams clearly show how Poet Technologies is positioned to capture market share, expand its manufacturing capacity and develop and expand on its technology to meet the emerging needs of the global data center, telecom, network, artificial intelligence, machine learning and semiconductor markets. .

Poet Technologies, like the emerging transistor companies in the 1960s, holds key technology that is essential for companies addressing the emerging nanophotonics and silicon photonics markets today. Poet's interposer and waveguide technology are the building blocks for tomorrows photonic systems on a chip. Waveguides are the photonics age as were transistors were to the microelectronics age. Just like transistors are the fundamental building block of all of today's microelectronic systems, waveguides are the fundamental building block for tomorrow's advanced optoelectronic computer and communications systems. Similarly, just like the CMOS semiconductor process technology ia central to the low cost manufacturer of today's artificial intelligence systems semiconductor interposer process technologies is central to tomorrows much more advanced artificial intelligence systems.

Poet Technologies with its portfolio of over 75 patents and its decades long effort to photonics integrated circuit technology research is symbolic of that same spirit that developed and created the transistor which 60 years later has blossomed into the $500 billion semiconductor industry we see today. From a historical perspective, Poet Technologies might just well become as renown as the the transistor age founding companies are today, up there in the ranks of Fairchild Semiconductor, Intel and Texas Instruments. Those companies ,just like Poet, started from manufacturing scratch and built semiconductor empires from the relatively new transistor device. The transistor at that time faced volume manufacturing hurdles similar to the manufacturing hurdles interposers, waveguides and photonic integrated circuit do today.

Besides the emphasis on Poet Technologies operations, the report provides an easy to understand and illustrated photonic and technology and manufacturing section that explains in simple terms optical transceiver design and the basics of optical interposers, waveguides, and the fundamentals of waveguide-based photonic circuit design. The report is intended for investors, technologists, semiconductor business, manufacturing, and marketing professionals as well educators and students that are new to photonic and optical transceiver technology or want to gain a deeper understanding of photonics technology and the dynamics of its associated business, and manufacturing ecosystem and supply chain interaction.
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