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Message: Remember.00 or .50 from Bob's prediction.

Remember.00 or .50 from Bob's prediction.

posted on Dec 03, 2009 12:46PM

So either Palladon goes to zero in 6 weeks or it will be above $.50. The NPV of the project is $763 million; it should be worth a lot more than a $13 million dollar market cap for even just part of it. I think it's pretty much a slam-dunk and mathematically it makes a lot more sense to buy at $.08 than to sell. I am a buyer in a big way and I already own a lot of shares.

I like the project, I like PLL management, I like Gilbert Development and I like Luxor. I think together as a team everyone can win and those are the stories I love to tell.

Palladon is saving cash and is not an advertiser. We have owned shares in Palladon for years and I have bought more lately. We are biased and that should be taken into account before you make any investment decision.

The photo gallery of my trip is here.

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