...had a chat with IR Dept to-day, and the rich gold veining at Birch Lake was confirmed. PX will keep doing work in Ghana, The Company conducted a regional MMI survey along the south central section of the Main Obuasi Trend which identified large anomalies running northeast in excess of 2.5 kilometres along strike. These anomalies coincided with the results of the VTEM survey, with the strongest MMI survey signatures coinciding with the most highly conductive zones identified in the VTEM survey. Work in this area will focus on tracing the geometry and extent of the mafic volcanic package through prospecting and detailed mapping of the area. The mafic volcanic package is correlative with the footwall to the main ore zones at the Obuasi mine, and is in the hanging wall of the Gyabunsu Trend mineralization at Obuasi.
To-date, IR said they have not hit anything of huge gradeing but were doing alot of follow up. IR said that they may do a PP in the spring to continue with the drilling in the Birch Lake as they recently got control of this area back. Traps7