Diamond Development & Exploration

Baffin Island, Nunavut ♦ Manitoba ♦ Northwest Territories

Message: NR March 24th 2015 - Transfer of Assets to sub Peregrine Exploration

Sorry a bit tardy on this one...just back fron Cuba. Looks like there will be a steady stream of news in 2015 on spinco, as well as results on the bulk samples leading up to the PEA.

riskit, I agree 100 % that I enjoy the professionalism/respect of Agoracom, however SH has a very decent PGD board.

Peregrine Diamonds Announces Transfer of Assets to Peregrine Exploration and Commencement of Exploration Initiatives8:31AM ET on Tuesday Mar 24, 2015 by Marketwire

Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. ("Peregrine Diamonds" or "the Company") (TSX: PGD) is pleased to report that the following diamond properties have now been transferred to its wholly owned subsidiary Peregrine Exploration Ltd. ("Peregrine Exploration"):

--  the Lac de Gras project in the Northwest Territories
--  the Nanuq and Nanuq North properties in Nunavut

In addition to the properties, Peregrine Diamonds has granted Peregrine Exploration an exclusive licence to utilize its extensive North American diamond exploration database.

The Lac de Gras project hosts the nine hectare DO-27 kimberlite which has an Indicated Mineral Resource of 18.2 million carats of diamonds and is open at depth. The Nanuq and Nanuq North properties currently host four diamondiferous kimberlites and have excellent exploration potential. The North American diamond exploration database includes an extensive database acquired from BHP Billiton in 2012 in connection with the Company's acquisition of BHP Billiton's interest in the Chidliak property. This database contains information from over 38,000 kimberlite indicator mineral samples collected throughout Canada over a ten year period at great expense.

Mr. Eric Friedland, Executive Chairman of Peregrine Exploration and Peregrine Diamonds stated, "Following the strategic review we reported February 12, 2015, the transactions announced today are the first step towards ensuring that we capture maximum value for Peregrine Diamond's non-Chidliak assets. DO-27 is one of the only diamond resources in the Slave craton region of the NWT that is not yet slated for development. In 2007, we valued a parcel of over 2,000 carats from DO-27 and since then diamond prices have risen on average 65%, which has positive implications for DO-27's potential economics. We believe there are more economic diamond districts to be found in North America and our extensive diamond exploration databases give us a competitive edge in that quest. With over 30 years of diamond exploration and project evaluation experience, the first 15 years of that in the United States, and the remainder in Canada, Brooke Clements is well-suited to lead this effort to maximize shareholder value."

Mr. Brooke Clements, President and CEO of Peregrine Exploration stated, "With diamond prices projected to rise due to strong demand, it is a great time for Peregrine Exploration to advance its diamond properties and focus on finding the next diamond district. A key focus will be the DO-27 diamond resource which is located just 27 kilometres from the Diavik Diamond Mine and 35 kilometres from the Jay kimberlite at the Ekati Diamond Mine, where a pre-feasibility study was recently completed. With a resource of 18.2 million carats DO-27 is ideally positioned to play a role in the continued evolution of the Lac de Gras diamond district. There is excellent potential for the discovery of another prolific diamond district in North America and I believe that our proprietary diamond exploration databases and the unparalleled experience and expertise of the Peregrine team gives us a real strategic advantage to make that discovery."

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