Thanks for all your work and your URL. It has provided lots of information and where to look. I continue to browse your comments on SH and see that somehow you i think primarily along with the others have managed to keep the blog civil. I'm grateful for that.
I'm wondering if the spin off (the sometimes refferred to as PGE) is there because PGD has in fact been approached to be taken over. Also I'm not sure in how easily it can be identified in the field whether or not there is a high carat count. What I am trying to suggest is that Mr Friedland may actually know to a very close percentage what the carats per ton would be without the official count. Sending it to the lab is just the way of ensuring that the resource is there as stipulated. So from that point of view a sale could be imminent at any time. Maybe too, that is why the boys took the precedent to not be available at the AGM. (That in spite of them not beig there is in bad form, maybe the better form was to continue the takeover chase which may be occurring at any time)
Is such thinking about right or erroneous? (Probably just wishful thinking)