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Ultimately Developing a District with Multiple Near-Surface Gold Resources along the +30 km Property in Idaho

Message: Re: Learned the following today. . . . . .

Thanks pitbul13. I appreciate your kind words.

What I was told by PEM is just that. . . . . it was what I was told. What I posted was from my contemporaneous notes. I did not exagerate, embelish, nor add my interpretations. I used quotes (see the quote marks) where I was sure of the exact words. The preciseness and accuracy of the information I was told, I do not know. Yet, prior information has always been reliable. Naturally, PEM has to be careful in what they can say. Some of what was said to me begged more answers than could be provided. How it all pans out, if it all pans out, (forgive the gold panning euphamism), only time will tell. I do not call PEM often so as to not wear out my welcome. I am sensitive to their overwhelming workload. I have good reason to believe all of what I was told and I have an absolute appreciation for what can not be said, and why. News releases makes things official, when information reaches such a stage when a news release can be made. In between news releases, what is said to folks like me is unofficial and very limited, as it should be. Hopefully such information can be verified (or discredited) by others as they do their own research. I am not the news maker. I'm only a messenger of some information that might (as in maybe) be worth while or might one day prove useful. It is in that spirit with which I participate in this forum. PEM is far from my only financial interest. Admittedly, so far, I am much more impressed with PEM's future short, medium, and long term outlook than most of my other past and present investment interests. Best wishes to all, and thanks again pitbul13.


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