“We have more than doubled the mineralised footprint of the Friday Main Zone and acquired geotechnical information essential to future definition drilling which will define the true width and depth of mineralisation along the newly defined extension of the Friday Zone,” stated Michael Ostenson VP Exploration. “We have drilled for structure to locate the mineralised zone; the next step is drilling for grade and width for Friday-Petsite resource growth.”
Drill hole PFR2011-18 returned: 1.8 g/t gold over 10.1 meters within 0.5 g/t gold over 124.7 meters, same grades and length as hole 13.
A comprehensive infill drill program is being planned to grow the Friday-Petsite resource using cost effective RC drilling.
In addition to infill drilling for resource growth along the current 1,700 meter footprint, step-out drilling will continue along the additional 3,300m coincident gold-in-soil and geophysical trend to the north and south.
Yes, that means there is plans for an additional rig to be brought in on the Friday-Petsite.
Bad or unlucky, good time to release failed holes.
Planned drill-holes PFR2011-15, 16, & 17 did not reach their target depth due to poor ground conditions and were abandoned.