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Ultimately Developing a District with Multiple Near-Surface Gold Resources along the +30 km Property in Idaho

Message: Hoping for a "King's ransom" plan in 2012.

I have discussed the whole OSZ PEM project with other more knowledgable people. They, and I, of course, don't know what Del Steiner and his staff know. So they can't factor in unavailable information which could be significant in planning 2012 and beyond.

The consensus was, money permitting, that PEM should put a "minimum" of 2 rigs on step out drilling and parhaps 2 (as opposed to one) RC drill rigs on infill drilling, all on the Friday. They thought consideration should be given to also addressing the Monday Zone simultaneously, given it's extremely close proximity to the Friday.

Also, money permitting, an additional rig could do strategic exploring at the Deadwood. The belief is that the company is in need of very expeditiously finishing the Friday, taking the Friday zone drilling program to it's maximum resource count, whether it is 4m, or 5m, or more ounces, and to do it as soon as humanly and financially possible. 18 months worth of very heavilly concentrated drilling could bring the resource count to close to 4m ounces, if economically mineable resource continues to be found.

Concomittingly, I have heard that PEM intends to put one drill rig doing step out drilling and one RC rig doing infill drilling with a goal of 3 to 4 million ounces at the Friday. However, my sources say this could take twice as long to reach 4m ounces if financial resources are diverted away from the Friday to drill elsewhere. So, it could take about 1.5 years to mostly drill out the Friday or it could take as much as 3+ years, depending on the plan implemented. Their point in all this was that the gold is there on the Friday, and elsewhere. It is a "known" reality. But the company is nearing several years of existance without having brought in a significant cash infusion, which will be sorely needed sooner rather than later. The consensus also included the need to step up the Preliminary Economic Feasability study to prepare all that can be prepared to show the value of the gold for mining purposes so as to get the "gold in the ground" value up much higher where it belongs. This, they believe, will hasten-expedite the process of making the Friday very attractive, very marketable and will reward company staff and shareholders alike much more quickly. It was opined that moving the Friday down the path of both mining feasability as well as the permitting process would likely entice a buyer.

So, summing it up there is drill the heck out of the Friday, step up the preliminary economic feasability study to be done in 12 months (+or-) to increase the gold in the ground value, and initiate or begin to address whatever can be preliminarilly done with regard to bridging the initial mining permit process.

Meanwhile, exploring the Deadwood and outlining the resource's footprint and path, perhaps with one drill rig, while the Friday is being completed, will then allow PEM to be prepared to launch a massive drilling campaign at the Deadwood, once the Friday looks like a piece of swis cheese and is sold for a King's ransom.

Or, are my friends and I missing something? We look forward to learning what the company knows, and it's final 2012-2013 strategy so we can rest easy and assured.


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