In an article by Bob Hoye of Institutional Advisors he wrote the below excerpt on 4/11/2012. Seems "loading up on" or "reloading" PEM (and PMMEF) shares at such low prices is what many are doing.
Our policy over the past few years has been to trade the sector off of the Chartworks overboughts and oversolds. Last week, this page reviewed how cheap golds were to the bullion price and that gold was also cheap relative to crude oil. The advice was to begin accumulating gold stocks for more of a longer term position.
Monday's ChartWorks included the chart of golds relative to the general stock market. The HUI/Gold is the most oversold since the 2008 crash. For HUI/S&P the weekly RSI is the most oversold since 2004.
It seems that market forces are poised to change in gold's favour. It is worth noting that one of the key features of the lengthy post-bubble contraction is that gold, gold mining and gold exploration become the hottest games in town.
Continue to accumulate gold stocks from large to small. . . . . "