Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: update rec'd from Kodiak

How could any rational investor see this news release as anything but possitive and exiting?

"Kodiak -  the dominant landholder in the Beardmore-Geraldton gold camps of Southern Ontario.

Kodiak selected the Beardmore-Geraldton greenstone belt as the focus of its gold exploration activities because of its production history, its well understood geology and the fact that it remains largely unexplored. In particular, there has been little to no deep drilling along major structures that have in the past produced 4.1 million ounces of gold from high grade deposits mined to depths of more than 1.5 km, and which remain open to depth.

For the past eighteen months, Kodiak has carried out extensive geologic research to identify the principal deformation zones and other structures that control the principal gold deposits in the belt, and has moved to acquire a strategic and controlling land position in those areas. By staking and by acquisition of options announced over the past several months, Kodiak has acquired a dominant land position that covers areas considered by Kodiak to encompass some of the most prospective gold bearing geologic structures in the belt.



 Picture originally posted by 'Sammenard' 

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