Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: The next correction will be a nasty one

Frankly Griz, your comments are out of line. You imply that I am playing both ends against the middle, which is disrespectful. If you go back and read my original posts on this thread, I disclosed my intention to sell some of my position in the mid-$2 range, back before the stock was a buck and change. How many other people do that before they trade? If my intention was to deceive people, I would not be telling others when I plan to sell. I have provided full disclosure of my own intentions throughout. That is integrity, and jsut because you may not like my opinion, it does not give you the right to throw mud at me.

I have never told people to buy or to sell. I state my opinion. You guys are all big boys and you can do what you think is best. And for the record, you have it backwards anyway. I act because I take account of what I see happening, and work to make the best decision on the information available. I do not sell first and then try to convince others to do so out of self interest. There is a big difference between the two.

Sorry that you seem to think I am arrogant and all-knowing. Maybe I should just try to appear as a drooling moron so nobody puts too much confidence in what I have to say.

I have no axe to grind with anyone here, and this entire forum is a breath of fresh air compared to the sinkhole that is Stockhouse. Cheers and good luck with your investments.


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