Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: KXL on NASDAQ Naked Short List

yes, and look what ElPrimero wrote on the Probe forum:

FRAUD Posted by: ElPrimero on January 15, 2008 01:39PM

Times, they are a changing.

It doesn't take too much intelligence to understand that since the MMI results were announced by Mr. Palmer that vicious naked short selling has taken place in the shares of Probe Mines by the unregulated hedge funds. Anytime a low priced precious metals or base metals oriented exploration company or producing low priced company's volume swells on positive news these miscreants go to work by selling toilet paper shares that the exchanges will not challenge because the volume is good for business.Toilet paper shares are shares represented by nothing more than an entry stating that they are shares when they are not. This is naked short selling. The sell orders do not represent shares or any form of ownership in the company at all nor are they legal short sales which should represent borrowed real stock. The sold shares simply do not exist but are allowed to be treated by the exchanges as "real shares."The exchanges and their governing bodies continue to allow this illegal betting parlor atmoshere to florish on their trading floors in disrespect of their very own founding fathers wishes on those exchanges.To understand why these corrupt activities are not challenged by officials, you have to accept that these public representatives are mere puppets representing the very rich who have all their investments in fiat currencies. The real threat to them is, what happens to their wealth in fiat money when the public demands a return to real money without any form of debt attached to it which means some type of return to a gold or silver standard.For years the world's controlling financial entities and their people have done everything in their power to reduce the value of gold in the minds of the world's populace. You know something is up when the Wall Street Journal some weeks past basically said, if gold is so great why hasn't it even kept up with inflation? These anti-gold people live on both sides of the street; depressing it behind the scenes and in the newspapers questioniong why it can't keep up with inflation.In recent times the world's great manipulators of gold have found the going rough in borrowing more gold to sell or to have their bullion bank buddies put their names on a growing number of outstanding short paper gold contracts at the commodity exchanges. Their campaign over the years has ended in disaster for them as they have now lost control of ther bullion market. The cry babies as they are is the only reason they are pushing the hedge funds into all this naked short selling. Who knows, maybe, their losses are guaranteed by certain agencies of our very own governments. Most of the public that believes in gold and other metals usually owns shares of the related companies as storing the metal itself does not appeal to many. This leads back to Probe Mines and its shareholders.Our shares have been targeted along with everyone else's shares that are metal orientented and mostly low priced to teach us a lesson against believing in metals as a store of value as opposed to the outstanding currencies with inflicted losses by the hedge funds.The bread and butter of the unregulated hedge funds is to take small companies with low share prices behind the shed and give them a real was one such company. In the end there may have been 50 to 100% more shares sold to buyers that the company issued. The company complained to federal regulators but did not receive satisfaction from them. They sued the perps in court and a San Francisco judge ordered the miscreants to pay up. Why did this case even have to go to court? Guess what? Someone is not doing their job and we know generally who these people are and why.Don't ever let the share price scare you as they want you to feel threatened. You are holding an asset with an apparent outstanding future run by the brilliant David Palmer holding a 5% royalty from a gold property that may be in production for 30 years operated by the best mining company in the world, Agnico-Eagle Mines.

I have ordered out the last of my Probe Mines certificates. What would happen if others ordered out their securities that really never existed because of naked shorrt sales. When the brokerage houses or clearing houses won't give them to you and say they are now electronic entries is when we are in real trouble. As Jim Sinclair has said many times, "You do not want a middleman between you and your assets."

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