I am long KXL all the way but you have to make efforts to protect your investment IMO. This doesn't mean you have to buy/sell all your shares and take huge risks but it is smart to trade around a core position.
Why sit and watch your entire portfolio drop 60% when you could liquidate a portion (even temporarily) and gain from it? The whole market wasn't looking very stable and there was a lot of panic selling going on. Since I had an RRSP account that I wouldn't be taxed on I figured, what the heck?
I'll admit I had one foot on the panic band wagon but it wasn't because KXL's fundamentals had changed; it was that everyone was bailing and I didn't want to be the last rat on a sinking fleet of ships (AKA the market).
Thank god I didn't get the shotguns ready like Goldbull55 suggested lol. I wonder if he's held up in a bomb shelter with a 2 year airlock timer set?(waiting for the market recovery) I sure hope for his sake he survived the week. haha.