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Message: Vicious Rumour
We are talking about modern drill equipment these days not the 80's style. In-line heaters keep hydraulics and motors very cozy, shafts are titanium etc. Drill rigs have heaters as well as air conditioners like the dozersthose drillers are not going to freeze or sweat their butts off. Equipment does break down and will get repaired like one does when their car breaks down. Kodiak is an hour from Thunder Bay for parts plus there is no shortage of heavy equipment mechanics as there is a hurting lumber industry. They also have choppers leaving the airport daily with surveyors on them you don't think for a minute they wouldn't put parts on them if they needed them. So even if a drill broke it be up and running very quickly and I for one have heard nothing of drill rigs being done for a long period of time these days, maybe in the artic on some remote island at -50 with no town in the vacinty a drill rig would be down for days but not in civilization so whoever made that dumb comment about equipment being down give your head a shake! Jokal
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