Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Rumour.....

Re: PR Trip

in response to by
posted on Mar 28, 2008 06:37AM


I haven't jumped in on this conversation,because,like you say,it may be a jinx...

I was thinking and going to post the same thing,except I think it is worse than a may be the "Evil Eye.""..!!!

I have to consult my granny on the curse but someone put the "evil eye" on UNO a few years ago and I asked my granny to help us get the curse off the stock,and she agreed after some prying from her favourite grandson and got her "Curse Cure bible" out and she got me to get her a few things that she needed ...

I got her things that she was missing and right at the bottom of the list was a Case of Crown Royal whiskey...

Jeez...a CASE..of Crown Royal...40's less... make a long story short,I got back and granny was PO'ed because I cheeped out and got her a case of Cheep whiskey...

Anyway she said the cure might not work without the Crown Royal,but I persuaded to give it a try,so she was still muttering and stirring the big pot in the kitchen,working on the cure when I had to leave for the afternoon and left granny to her cooking..

Well 'bout 8 o"clock that night I get a call from the city police and they have granny in jail and they needed me to try to calm granny down..So I hurried down to the pokey and checked out why she was in jail...

I finally got it sorted out..

Granny was having problems with the "Evil Eye" cure with the cheep whiskey ..The batch of cure water she was boiling up wasn't working so the got ticked off and started drinking the cheep whiskey instead of putting it in the pot..

Anyway she was getting pretty hammered up and had the music just a howling...and the neighbours called the cops..

By the time the cops got there ,granny was running around outside,naked...she was dancing on the lawn,singing mysterious chants from her curse book,and swinging a bottle of that cheep whiskey in either hand..

The two cops tried to get her under control but couldn't and called for back up and the SWAT team was called but before they got there ,granny hung a licking on the two cops they sent and was hollerin' for more..

She was starting to foam at the mouth by this time and the SWAT team just pulled up as granny was head butting the bigger cop and laying him out cold..

The SWAT team jumped from the Armoured car and immediately had the flying squad tackle her using the two lead guys to hammer her down with their sheilds.. having hit her with four tazers..

Anyway they got her covered up with a fire blanket and cuffed,hand and foot and in the wagon and off to jail..

Because she had a previous record ,I couldn't get bail for her and she sweated it out for two months before her trial and The Judge ,because of her age,he said ,went easy on her and gave her a duece less in the Provincial jail..(Two years ,less a day..)

****For our readers that don't know..Any sentence under two years is spent in a Provincial prison..any sentence over two years is spent in a FEDERAL prison..hence a Deuce less...

Easy time..Over a deuce..Hardtime..

 So granny spent her 94th  and 95th birthday in jail because of me getting her that cheep whiskey to get rid of the "evil eye" curse..


We have made up now but she is still ticked about the SWAT team tazing her and she is still muttering about.."One on one'"...."Cowards ..unfair...chickensh*t....If I were a few years younger" and a whole bunch of other descriptive passages refering to her fight with the cops..

Anyway,I am not going to ask granny to get the curse off us ,unless it is a "last resort"/..

I'm hoping for a nice jump next week when The halt they call this afternoon comes out..

Go KXL.. 





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