Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

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Old vet that you are ,have you ever been to Quebec Carnival..??

That is where they separate out the real drinkers from the (What ever Sinbad called them....FOO-Foo(?) drinkers???)

THey sell those cheap plastic hollow canes there with screw tops..and you fill up the cane..with Alcool and cheap red wine..50/50% mix..

It is called "Caribou"..Pronounced...kar EEEE boo...

Mister Hap...

Why with just one cane full,you become..smarter than hell..tougher than a drill Sergeant..better looking than anyone in spitting distance and a prize catch that no woman can resist,,!!

I recommend it to anyone with the hangies to try it..

End results are not guaranteed and may not be exactly as stated in this posting....(Cackle...snork..!!)

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