Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: Greg McCoach

And you know, we have the biggest spuds in the garden we've ever grown! I agree the situation is not very good, but even the crash of 29 passed, most people survived, and life went on.

I think when we look at the root of the problem, some bad mortgages packaged up and resold, it should give us some heart. We've defeated polio, Hitler, and SARS, we can get through this. I have heard that far less than a third of the mortgages in question are really likely to default, and they are backed up by an asset, so that should be survivable as long as we all don't panic. And I wouldnt' be in any hurry to buy Ameribux, or whatever that phony currency is. BTW, the US currency is strengthening against others...

I dont own physical gold, tho should have some. KXL isn't exactly the financial rock of Gibralter, but what stock is? With good assets and cash in the bank, it shouldn't devalue too much, and with patience it should be a winner. I do have enough guns and ammo to fend off the Wall Street Army and keep the family fed, but I dont think I'll have to. I'll always have a job... it is the pay that can be tough to get!

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