A big pat on the back to Kodiak!
They are showing some corporate responsibility in a region that is hurting.
The whole area is really feeling the collapse of the forest industry. When I first went to this area, names like Kimberly Clark and Domtar employed a lot of people. Those companies have pulled up stakes and left. Kodiak is one of the larger employers now - if not, the largest.
In the Beardmore - Geraldton corridor (AKA Greenstone), KXL is not just a junior exploration company. They are a lifeline. Judging from the list of contractors that Mr. Chornobay mentioned, there are many spin-off jobs going to heavy equipment companies, helicopter companies and more.
Most of us simply see KXL as an investment. There is a disconnect for us. As a former resident of Geraldton, I also see them as a ray of hope. I also know that there are some KXLers on this site who are also residents. They know more than I how Kodiak is helping the local economy in some small way.
Way to go Kodiak!
(Now find us great gobs of GOLD!)