You may be right, but don't count on coal over nuclear.
Yes nuclear costs more, but that is good. Why do you think it costs more, because it requires a lot of high tech stuff, fancy and safe buildings, meaning lots of jobs to numerous contractors and subcontractors. It also requires technology etc. If the americans are going to compete with the french on nuclear, they have to invest lots and get going.
Coal sure there is technology with the new high efficiency plants with 50% efficiency, with high pressure and high temp technologies, but politically coal has a very black image.
I think the new admin. realises that yes coal is important and we are ok with what we got, nuclear has to become a growing part of energy mix, and yes we better make a significant push into solar, wind and geo. The biggest problem with solar and wind is that they are not 24/7 and energy reliability and storage are huge issues. Storing the energy and getting it back you loose a minimum of half the energy, not an easy solution. There are still huge challenges and in the mean time the old energy sources have to carry most of the actual load