Creating shareholder wealth by advancing gold projects through the exploration and mine development cycle.

Message: PDAC

If the bulk sample is as good as hoped, then I am sure the small mill will be close behind.

Brian also stated that doing a bulk sample was mandatory to confirm their algorithm for defining resource. Ie. they need to guess what's there and confirm with a sample to determine the accuracy of their model.

So yes, a bulk sample is a forgone conclusion, it's just a question of how soon.

Brian said that the nearest existing 500 t/day mill is in Red Lake. He was also adament that he would not be comfortable building a mine with less than a 500 tonne per day mill and felt that 500-800 would probably be the ideal mill size for Hercules ... call it "educated conjecture"


It's also important to emphasize that they are extremely intrigued by Millenium West. One of the consulting Geos almost cracked a smile.

They also like the Kaby lake property in BG and 3 others.

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