I spoke with Brian this afternoon. We had a good chat which lasted about about 1/2 hour.
He indicated that they will be putting out a NR very soon about the west millenium project. They completed a 4000m drill program that consisted of 5 or 6 holes (I don't have my notes). He said that he was very satisfied with the drilling. I reminded him that a geologist's definition of "satisfied" is often different than an investor's so we'll have to wait and see what comes out. I'm not sure if they will have core results in the NR but the fact that they have cores to sample bodes well IMO.
I asked him about the scintilometer and he admitted that they used it but would n't comment on the results. He indicated that the results from a scintilometer aren't really measurable e.g. CUPS. He was also carefull about disclosing insider information.