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Message: Drilling results..


When you are talking CPS(Counts per second) are talking about the strength of the sample in counts which can be converted into percentage of U3O8..which we are more familiar with seeing..

If you give me a minute I'll work that reading out...

AT wavelength dependant constants [-]
AQ wavelength dependant constants [-]
cp heat capacity of air at constant pressure [∼1005 J kg-1 K-1]
2 structure parameter of the refractive index of air [m-2/3] ( 2 =10(UCN 2 −12)
n C )
2 structure parameter of temperature [K2 m-2/3]
2 structure parameter of humidity [kg2 m-6 m-2/3]
d zero-displacement height [m]
D aperture diameter of receiver and transmitter unit [m]
fT universal stability function [-]
g gravitational acceleration [∼9.81 m s-2]
Gs soil heat flux [W m-2]
H sensible heat flux [W m-2]
I signal strength or intensity [V] (I = UDEMOD)
L path length [m]
LvE latent heat flux (or evaporation) [W m-2]
LMO Obukhov length [m]
Pot potentiometer path length setting at Path length knob [-]
P air pressure [Pa]
PUCN2 scaled Cn
2 [m-2/3] (Cn
2 = PUCN2⋅10-15)
Q absolute humidity [kg m-3]
Q* net radiation [W m-2]
Rd specific gas constant for dry air [∼287 J K-1 kg-1]
Rv specific gas constant for water vapour [∼461.5 J K-1 kg-1]
T absolute air temperature [K]
T* temperature scale [K]
u wind speed [m s-1]
u* friction velocity [m s-1]
UCN2 log Cn
2 signal [V] ( 2 =10(UCN 2 −12)
n C ) [-5 V to 0 V]
UDEMOD demodulated signal [V] (UDEMOD = I) [-1 V to 0 V]
UTH_R thermistor signal receiver unit [V] [0 V to 10 V]
UTH_T thermistor signal transmitter unit [V] [0 V to 10 V)]
zLAS (effective) height LAS or XLAS [m]
z0 aerodynamic roughness length [m]
zu height wind speed measurements [m]
β Bowen ratio [-] (β = H/LvE)
von Kármán constant (∼0.40)
λ wavelength of EM radiation (880 nm) [m]
ρ density of air [kg m-3] [∼1.2 kg m-3 (at sea level !)]
σ 2 variance
ln I σ of natural logarithm of intensity fluctuations ( ln(I) ) [-]
2 2
σ =σ of UDEMOD or intensity I [V2]
UCN 2 σ of UCN2 [V2]
Ψm integrated stability function for momentum [-]

DAMMIT...Broke my friggin' pencil...

Red..I'll have to get back to you....


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